Number Gossip

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Unique Properties of 27

  • 27 is the only number which is thrice the sum of its digits
  • 27 is the first composite number not divisible by any of its digits
  • 27 is the largest number that is the sum of the digits of its cube
  • 27 is the only 2-digit number in which the sum of digits is equal to the sum of prime factors (27 = 3 * 3 * 3 and 2 + 7 = 3 + 3 + 3 = 9)
  • A 10,000-day-old person is 27 years old
  • 27 is the smallest cube out of three known with only prime digits (the other cubes are 3375 and 2775577757352755375573357273)
  • A web page about 27: The Mystery of the number 27
  • 27 is the smallest evil cube
  • 27 is the largest number that equals the sum of numbers between the first and the second digits inclusive
  • 27 is the smallest number that have composite sum of digits and prime sum of squares of digits
  • 27 is the smallest number n where n and n+1 are both products of 3 primes
  • 27 is the smallest number whose reciprocal has period 3

Rare Properties of 27


Common Properties of 27

Smith (Joke)